Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blogs : The benefits of this phenomenon

Back in 2008, the founder of Technorati, Dave Sifry announced the last recorded size of the blogosphere was that of 112.8 million or more. Since then, no one knows the actual size of the blogosphere, there also have been reports that the size of the blogosphere is slowing down with the appearance of twitter and Facebook. (Hopkins, 2009)

However, twitter may also be known as a way of blogging as it allows people to post up anything that come to mind. Top blogs in Europe are those of news blogs or political commentators like Iain Dale. (iaindale.co.uk, 2010) Asia uses blogs for affiliate marketing, Internet advising and social media. The top blogs in Malaysia are those that offer tips for designers and bloggers. (hongkiat.com, 2010) Blogs that are prevalent in Malaysia are like those of Political Commentaries. Even politicians like Lim Kit Siang and the Prime Minister blogs too. Political blogs are beneficial because it acts as a communication platform between the politicians and their supporters. These blogs are not artificial and do not post inaccurate information. With this, the general public is able to get a full insight of political issues and much more. In Singapore however, blogs that get a lot of readers are lifestyle blogs. These blogs contain day-to-day happenings and are used as a tool to advertise products. An example of a very famous blogger from Singapore who uses her blog to advertise products and services is Xiaxue.com. Lifestyle blogs, which generate a lot of traffic, are beneficial as bloggers get paid to advertise too.

Hongkiat.com, 2010, Online tips for designers and bloggers, viewed 27 September 2010, <http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/>

Hopkins, L 2009, ‘Technorati and the size of the blogosphere: it can’t be THAT hard to figure out, surely?!’, viewed 27 September 2010, 

Iaindale.co.uk, 2010, Writer, Speaker, Broadcaster, Blogger, viewed 27 September 2010,

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